I made these a month, or maybe a month and a half ago. My health has not been very good this year, so I haven't been doing as much as I used to (which isn't very much at all, really...).
I wanted to make books with pages you could turn with real text on it. Lots of research later, and these were born. I also needed to put a piece of sticky tape over the covers because I have a laser printer and the ink cracks when I fold the paper. The sticky tape trick works quite well, fortunately.
After I made this I realised that I wanted the spines to be curved rather than flat. That will be my next lot of books! No idea when I'll get around to doing them. I spent so much time making and remaking these and researching that I don't really want to go back to making tiny books for a little while. Plus I took a shitty picture which I really dislike.