Bronte has just met the man of her dreams and she's not about to let him get away!
Bronte: Here's a flower. I like you. There I said it, now you have to marry me or I'll die of shame.
Rosetti: Er... This is kind of sudden...
First time trying out a Lomo style effect on the photo. I think it's a bit too dark, but it doesn't look too bad to me. :) It's really the first time I've done anything with a photo asides from cropping and resizing and maybe small touch ups. I used
this tutorial.
I also posted up a hedgehog and vole comparison on the Sylvanian Families forums. They're the same mold, but a different shade of brown. The voles are like little bald hedgehogs lol.

I actually hadn't realized they were voles, I had thought they were brown moles. Flair should have added at least a tail to the voles to differentiate them from the moles and to make them more accurate!
Catrionasfailed posted a picture of a water vole on the forums and I think that this is what Flair was going for. All the other voles looked more like mice.