Little Biscuit bear walks home from school. In chest high grass. Because his mother doesn't love him enough.
I got this little Sylvanian from Woolworth's. They're selling Sylvanian babies there, at almost AUD10 a pop. I got this one on special so it was about $8 instead, but still, quite expensive. But those toys are so tempting! The other babies call out to me from their place in the aisle!
I've just realized that I've not posted anything on flickr for about 8 months. O_______________________O It really didn't feel like it was that long! I've missed posting pics on flickr, so expect to see more!
I've also finished sorting out my toys for the most part, so I can get back to crafting and photographing my stuff again, finally. Speaking of photography, I've entered a Re-Ment contest on the Re-Ment Fanclub Blog. I found out about the contest 30 mins before the deadline -.-. I am not proud of my 25 min photo...
Re-Ment's also released some great new minis while I was in my "Ignore the Toy World" mode. Not too many though, most of them have been blah Disney tie-ins or key chains. (Ai Li, you'd probably like this one though.) But I love the new Hinamatsuri set! I wish I was working =_=. I want money for toys dangnamit!
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