Friday, 25 March 2011

Some current projects

In progress... fancy cookies

I'm currently working on some mini clay cookies. These took longer than I expected, most of it was due to me being too picky and texturing and colouring both sides of the cookies, despite the fact I was planning to ice over the fronts. Tiny clay pieces are a pain to hold still while you colour them!

I used my new mini paper punches for these. I love them! I can't get things like these locally, I got them when I went back to Brunei. So cheap too, about SGD 1.80 each! I want to move back to Brunei =A=;;; Or at least back to a city. I am 100% a city girl!

Here's the other project I'm working on:

Post office in progress

I'm repainting a little Sylvanian shop building. It's the post office I posted about a few months back. I have about four buildings of this type and I'm aiming to create a little Sylvanian main street on a shelf. I'm going to repaint each one in different colours.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Blog neglect

I've been neglecting this blog and my flickr for way too long. I have a number of projects and life events going on simultaneously and haven't been doing as much as I should. I have big plans for all the second hand, bargain bin and bootleg toy buildings I've picked up! I've picked up enough buildings that I've actually run out of shelf space... -_- I'm trying to organise my shelves so I can display most of what I have. I many have to get a new shelf but that means rearranging the room to make more space. I have a very, very small hobby room. It's half of a full sized room that had a wall put up to divide it. Well, at least I have a hobby/reading room! Anyway, don't know how long I will take to complete any of the projects I have but we'll see.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Pics of furnished house

After a long hiatus, I've finally uploaded pics of the wallpapered and furnished house. It's furnished with a mixture of Sylvanian and Re-Ment furniture. This post is mostly copied verbatim from the Sylvanian Families forum.



The little attic area. The shelf will be filled with books once I get around to repainting and redoing the covers of the default books. Maybe I'll even make my own. :P I want this to be a cozy little reading area. :)



The bedroom. It looks a little empty in the middle, I think it could do with a little rug or something.


Bedroom 2

I'm mostly satisfied with the kitchen, except I think the wallpaper looks a little weird. I may change that later.


Kitchen 2

Here's the hallway, please excuse the dust! I've dusted it but the dust shows up anyway. I think the hallway needs a little something, maybe a shoe rack or an umbrella stand.

Front hall

This is where the cafe area will be, I still need to make a bakery case and a counter top for it.


That's all for now!