Tuesday 22 March 2011

Blog neglect

I've been neglecting this blog and my flickr for way too long. I have a number of projects and life events going on simultaneously and haven't been doing as much as I should. I have big plans for all the second hand, bargain bin and bootleg toy buildings I've picked up! I've picked up enough buildings that I've actually run out of shelf space... -_- I'm trying to organise my shelves so I can display most of what I have. I many have to get a new shelf but that means rearranging the room to make more space. I have a very, very small hobby room. It's half of a full sized room that had a wall put up to divide it. Well, at least I have a hobby/reading room! Anyway, don't know how long I will take to complete any of the projects I have but we'll see.


  1. Hi i just got my first package from be happy THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING UP THE LINK!!!!!! It makes my hobby ten times more affordable!!!

  2. Yay! I'm glad to be able to drum up a little more business for them. They have excellent customer service. May I ask what you got? :D And do you have any of your Sylvanian pics online?

  3. No, i haunt got any pics online but ill find away to put them up for you :D i got
    >Beagle dog mother
    >Marron dog mother
    >School masters set [teacher set]
    >Sylvanian tripple mirror set
    > Sylvanian revival draw set
    >Girls satchel set
    >Boys satchel set
    >Ice skating set
    >Baby's medical set
    >Re ment coffee maker
    >Re ment drug store set 1

    And i think i haunt missed anything [he he]

  4. Sounds like a good selection! Hope you enjoy them! I wanted to get a pile of RE-Ment stuff for my Pullip but I don't have enough disposable income at the moment. Oh well, I got too much stuff already anyway :P

    As for pics. you could create a flickr account. I like flickr because you can put your photos in public 'groups' so you can share with other people with similar interests. :) There's a re-ment group and a Sylvanian families group!


  5. Im having the same issue so much i want so little money, I have three projects on the go and keep spending my money on other things. I guess thats what birthdays are for he he he... :D
