Here's a pic of the 25th Anniversary Baby Pair I got from Okasaneko:

So cute! My hubby says the little squirrel looks rather hairy chinned. The light marking around its mouth doesn't really help, it makes the baby look like it has beard stubble.
I also got some more Sylvanian stuff from the almighty intarwebs. Here's one of them, a 2nd hand post office from Sylvanian Heaven. I probably over paid for this, but I really wanted the building. I'm trying to create a street of shops and stuff on the shelf in my hobby room. Also, this means that my postman bear now has a place to live.

I'm going to repaint it, the bike, make some shelves and anything else that's needed. After taking this picture, I ripped off the paper on the roof, and I'm going to do that to the awning too. Nyohohoho!
Oh, the little telephone! I love the little antique telephone! I need an antique telephone like that for my Pinky:st figures!